create individual membership
Create your individual membership and pay or create your individual membership using a coupon code provided through a group membership purchase.
Membership Group Discounts
Organizations can purchase multiple memberships to get group discounts whereby new members will receive a coupon code which discounts the individual membership cost.
All group membership purchases require each individual member to create their own account and use a coupon to bypass the payment step.
6 - 9: $700 Total · 10+ $1,000 Total

Membership FAQS
Watch this video for help with your membership
Use the group discount option even if you just one membership or the organization paying is purchasing 5 or less at the full $125 each. Many organizations, even if just purchasing one or two memberships will want to pay multiple all at once. In that case, the group membership purchase is best and your organization will be given a coupon code so that you can create your membership and bypass the payment requirement by using a one-time coupon code.
If you’ve ever made a purchase before you may have created an account before adding membership to your account. Sign in with that account and upon successful log-in, you’ll be taken to the payment screen where you can pay or apply your discount.

Individually or in membership groups of 5 or less
$78 - $117
6 - 9 group membership for $700 total
$50 - $100
10+ group membership for $1,000 total
Example above based on 20 - 10 memberships

member benefits
Networking with fetal therapy nurses throughout North America with biannual meetings in conjunction with North American Fetal Therapy Network (NAFTNet) and social gatherings at The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) Meetings
Leadership opportunities within the Fetal Therapy Nurse Network, Research and Publication Committee opportunities, Grant opportunities for professional conference attendance, Research and Publication Mentorship
Job postings in fetal therapy nursing, Communication about upcoming events, Member discussions and sharing of resources
Free attendance at FTNN events, Discounted member rate for SMFM, Opportunities for collaboration in fetal nursing research, CEUs offered at biannual meetings
Nurses with an interest in the field of fetal therapy in North America are eligible for full membership. After paying dues, they will have voting privileges for that year and are eligible to become a board member.
Affiliate members are non-nursing healthcare professionals active in fetal therapy or international fetal nurses.
Affiliate members have no voting privileges, are not eligible to be board members, but pay the same annual dues.

How We Started
The Fetal Therapy Nurse Network was established in 2015 for nurses involved in the field of fetal therapy.
In this ever-evolving field of medicine, nurses are an essential component to providing coordinated, evidence-based quality care.
This organization was started with just 25 founding nurses with the mission to promote excellence in fetal health nursing through educational offerings, research, professional collaboration and peer support. Today, membership exceeds 200 nurses and continues to grow.
Our vision is that all expectant families facing a fetal diagnosis will receive the highest quality, compassionate patient/family centered nursing care.
The FTNN wishes to thank NAFTNet (The North American Fetal Therapy Network) for their support and partnership throughout our inception. We appreciate their assistance and support for establishing a nursing network and look forward to our continued work together, advancing the field of fetal care. Please take a moment to visit the NAFTNet website at: